Sunday, June 21, 2009

egg in bread on sunday morning ..

sunday morning ..  one glass of wine too many the night before.. calls for a greasy breakfast. 

Egg in bread:

one slice of favourite bread - i like a dark grainy bread
one egg 

To prepare - heat pan to medium heat 
add a good knob of butter to the pan
cut a small hole in the bread - the diameter of an egg cup is a good guide
place the bread in the melted butter in the pan - add the cut out circle too 
crack the egg into the hole in the bread and cook for a few minutes (if you like a very runny egg, cook the bread in the melted butter for a bit before dropping the egg in)
flip the bread over carefully so that the other side can cook a minute or so too.
serve and eat immediately with a sprinkle of sea salt and pepper to taste..

**the more butter the better :) 

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